Monday, September 19, 2011

The path of Bhakti is, undoubtedly, the easiest of all mărgas to attain Bhagavăn; not only for this Yuga (Age) but also for all Yugăs

Nama Article 19th September 2011


Excerpts from a discourse by our Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji


The path of Bhakti is, undoubtedly, the easiest of all mărgas to attain Bhagavăn; not only for this Yuga (Age) but also for all Yugăs.


Bhagavăn holds the hand of the bhakta and leads him, just as a mother holds the hand of her little child and helps in walking. Bhagavăn, Himself, assures the bhakta, "If you take a single step towards ME with 'shraddha' (faith) and bhakti, I will take ten steps towards you and lead you!" How then can one fear to walk on this path? We can, therefore, move fearlessly ('nirbhayanăi') on this path.


What happens if we miss a step and fall down? HE who holds our hand will lift us up and help us walk on the path again!


Thondaradipodi Ăzhwăr (Vipra Nărăyana) was a great devotee of the Lord. In his Păsuram 'Thirumălai' he repeatedly speaks of the glory of Năma (the Name of the Lord). In this, he sings, "Kăvalil pulanai vaithu kalidanai kadakkap păindu'. He had one-pointed devotion to Lord Ranganatha and his 'Thirumălai' depicts the deep anguish of a bhakta. Once a 'dăsi' (dancing girl) wearing the garb of 'Hari dăsi' (servant of Lord Hari) enticed him into her net of desire. One who had known only the Lord was now at the home of a 'dăsi'! All advices from his well-wishers fell on deaf ears. But what does the Lord do? HE works in the 'buddhi' of the bhakta and corrects him. Even if the bhakta falls in 'dur sangha' (bad company) due to fate, Bhagavăn does not forsake him but helps him out of it.


The 'dăsi' threw him out once she had sucked out all his wealth from him. What did Bhagavăn do on seeing his loving devotee cry at her doorstep? Calling himself the servant of Vipra Nărăyana, the Lord went to the 'dăsii's' home in the form a young boy and offered her a golden plate so that she would accept his devotee back!


On learning this, Thondaradipodi Ăzhwăr rushed to His beloved Bhagavăn and sang "Bhăviyen unnai allăl! Păviye! Păviyene!" (never will I think of anyone else! a sinner that I am! a sinner that I am!) and never again did he move away from Bhagavăn.


Show just a little devotion and Bhagavăn goes to any length to help you!"


Please check these: Excerpts from a discourse by our Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji


"It is all right even if you do not hold your senses under control. Keep doing Năma Sankirtan. The 'indriyăs' (senses) will automatically come under control!"


Be simple, egoless and innocent like a child and have entire trust in Him, and He is yours. Have His Name on your lips.


Chant and pray with faith to Krishna and this is the easiest way for Divine grace


Guru is like a potter and a disciple is like a pot. A potter hits the pot from outside and provides every support from within.


Bhakti Yoga is an easy path - Sri Ramakrishna


To feel that you are His child be your supreme privilege,


Chant the Mahamantra Nama kirtan :


Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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