Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Năma Sankirtan has been common for all the Yugas. It only means that it is a ‘vishesha dharma’ (especially meant for/tailor made) for Kali Yuga.

Nama Article 7th January 2015

Excerpts from a discourse by our Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

Even though it is said that Năma Sankirtan is the path meant for Kali Yuga it does not mean that it was not prevalent in other Yugas, viz. Tretha Yuga or Dwăpăra Yuga. Năma Sankirtan has been common for all the Yugas. It only means that it is a 'vishesha dharma' (especially meant for/tailor made) for Kali Yuga. Neither Prahalăda nor Ajămila belonged to Kali Yuga. But they attained the highest state ('satgati') only through Năma Sankirtan. Did not Ajămila* call out the Name of the Lord at the time of his death? Did not Gajendra call out 'Ădimoolame!' when a crocodile caught hold of its legs? Did not Prahalăda incessantly chant the Name of the Lord? Great Saints ('Maha Purushas') say that only through Năma Sankirtan can we attain the highest state ('satgati') - Liberation.

Chant the Mahamantra Nama kirtan :

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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